
Showing posts from September, 2023


Johnny Broke The Siege. Story with an all lifetime lesson

     Jonny was only five years old when he lost his father Agbeli Dzidepo. The mother’s name is Asinyo Esinam, a woman of value but unfortunately financially handicapped. Even before Mrs Esi lost her husband, life has not been easy for this household even though her husband was a teacher in Living Academy Preparatory School. Johnny was a handsome and a respectful boy who took exactly after his father’s good moral. His parents were very particular about his moral upbringing and his growth academically. Unlike children who turn out to be a disappointment even when their parents work tirelessly for their upkeep, his attitude was different. At home, he is the type that would run errands for the mother and made sure he reads his notes after and before school. Johnny learnt a very common saying one day which gingers him to aspire higher even as a child. “Reading makes the man“ and “Practice makes man perfect.“ He never went a day without saying this after his morning devotion with the mother

What is attachment in academia?

Educationists from developing countries iterate the fact that most of the things learned in school are not being practicalized due to the over-concentration on the theoretical aspects and in a way the negligence of what really makes the notifiable difference. The curricula of secondary schools, technical/vocational, and universities try to make students do well to attach practical experiences to the things they are taught in class for an all-round understanding of the various concepts. Now, the word ATTACHMENT is strange to some students in esteemed schools of education not specific to any kind hence the necessity to provide a vivid explanation of what is coined in the term. WHAT IS ATTACHMENT? This is a term that describes the practical or industrial experience students are required to have with respect to a particular field of study one is undergoing. For a student reading 'Clothing and textiles' or 'Fashion Design', this could be going to a shop where clothes are sew

Ampesi / Boiled plantain with kontonmire stew | A step by step guide to making authentic ampesi at home

It is indeed a wonderful and expeditious experience having the chance to travel to other locations distant from home because ' HOME SWEET HOME ' does not have all the nice things the eyes could ever wish to view. Once again, Ghana is blessed with many diverse cultures with every single one possessing unique characteristics that interest foreigners as well as the local people alike.  Food which is one of the basic needs of humans can be seen in different tastes among the various regions with very appreciable visual appeal as well. In fact, one of the simple foods that can be said to as trans-cultural can be ' BOILED PLANTAIN WITH KONTONMIRE STEW' and to make the sauce well enriched, an egg. The almost ripe plantain is used to prepare etor and to be talked more about here the boiled plantain.  Read more about Etor and how it is prepared. Well, plantain is one kind of food that is very abundant in its season and becomes a bit scarce when the season is out and it also aff

Do you listen to radio? These will tell you why you must

Before the advancement of technology and the media, being able to transmit information from one person to another was a hectic task, and many share stories of how their great grandparents had to walk many miles to do so. The challenges faced by humans day in and day out always necessitate solutions because when these challenges get solved, life becomes better.  Radio is one device I developed so much love for when I was very young and I will be sharing a lot more of my experiences with radio which will excite you and be of significant benefit to you. Historians from Ghana share their experiences when radio became the only means of information access after many years of none because at that time technology hadn't advanced. According to the history of Ghana, anytime there was a coup or an attempt in that regard, the citizens got to know through the radio as well as many other major events that occurred at the national capital. One thing was serious which is because the device was not

Sharing the GOSPEL in a remote town or village

As every believer in Christ has been commanded in Matthew 28:19 , it is our responsibility to make sure the gospel is preached all over the world but it is not entirely dependent on our efforts but the power of God makes it possible. One group of humans with much energy and zeal is the youth and as a way of teaching them to inculcate right from their stage as they grow, some denominations in Ghana support their students to embark on this activity of evangelizing to lost souls in order to win them for Jesus Christ.   The name for this initiative is SICE (STUDENTS IN CHURCH EVANGELISM).   In this article, my aim is to make sure that everyone who reads this article gets to understand some of the things that this particular event entails and how communities and lives get impacted positively to the glory of God. The duration for this event is normally for a week and the programme mostly covers remote towns and villages. THE ACTIVITIES IN DETAIL  Prayers The Bible tells how Jesus prayed alw